Thursday, January 6, 2011

I wonder...

I wonder if a father has to do all the tasks that a mother has to do? Will he be able to cope? Will he be able to continuously do the same tasks every single day, without complaining? Will he wake up earlier than everybody else in the house so that he can prepare breakfast, pack kids' clothes and lunches for nurseries/schools, wake the kids up and send them off to nurseries/schools, go to work, pick the kids up after work, stop at the grocery store to buy stuff to cook for dinner, cook dinner and do laundry at the same time, clean up, spend time with kids, fold clothes, prepare kids for bedtime, and be the last person to go to sleep! The list is actually even longer than that. Can fathers do all those? Hmmm... I wonder how long they will survive.

Yeah, this has nothing to do with scrapbooking and it shouldn't be posted here ;) I'm just wondering...


Unknown said...

I got a wonderful dad, he does all things that a mother should do and he does all the work without complaining, you believe? it's true..^^

Tare Panda said...

Wow! You're lucky to have such a wonderful dad. I envy you dear or should I say I envy your mom ;) Thanks for visiting my blog anyway. Didn't expect anyone to leave any comment here :D